On this page, we invite you to acquaint yourself with the projects targeted for support throughout this year.
It does not comprise all of the current and potential projects which will be engaged,
but provides an overview of the types of opportunities, and some particular examples.

HELP US TO SUPPORT CRISIS ASSISTANCE IN THE UKRAINE NOW! EME is partner to concentrate on the evacuation, relocation and care of orphans in war-affected areas. Join us!

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Building Up Local Churches in the Mediterranean Region

EME is helping to build growing churches in the Mediterranean region. The focus is to see vibrant, multi-racial congregations built that could effectively help resource the region as examples and providers, and utilizing local church based teams going out from them.

We are helping to provide missionary staff and resources to encourage the growth and development of these local churches. This includes pastoral staff, teachers/trainers in schools, Bible schools, computer classes, itinerant teachers and evangelists, etc. EME is constantly seeking to link local churches in this region to viable, interested churches in North America and Europe.

Children with Disabilities Project in Egypt
Vision International University Bible College Programs

EME Ministries partners with the Vision International Educational Network to provide Bible School, leadership training and marketplace training to adults throughout the region.

We directly oversee the affiliate schools and resource center for VIEN in Western Europe and the Mediterranean World Zones.

Regional Business Development

The ministry has been busy collecting and exploring proposals for small and intermediate business projects that would serve the purposes of modeling transformational, Christian business, providing work and income for national believers, as well as generating ongoing revenue for ministry within the country. These are our Business as Mission (BAM) and Business for Mission (BFM) initiatives. Presently, local churches exist in difficult and impoverished conditions, and other ministries face the mounting challenge of survival from perpetual mission funding.

It is also still true that, upon conversion, national believers face the very real challenge of loss of job and excommunication from family. It is imperative that we find a way to help build opportunities for the Kingdom of God in North Africa.

Several workable proposals have been made, and information is available upon your request.


EME seeks to create revenue producing programs for local churches and ministries in various places. See the "business opportunities" section on the home page for more information.

K-12 Christian Schools

Christian Academies in the region are supported projects of EME, in partnership with the respective local churches. Provision of volunteer teachers, scholarship funds for underprivileged students and other resources are central to this growing effort, which now reaches more than 20 nationalities, with more than half of the children coming from non-Christian homes. Families are being affected through the ministry of the schools. Many of the children affected are unable to attend national schools, and could not conceivably afford other private education in the country. The Christian Academies are providing them the education that they need, and the opportunities they deserve. GIVE NOW directly to support the school.

Prayer Trekking and Vacations with Purpose

Prayer Treks are essentially short term mission teams focused primarily around the activity of prayer. We visit major spiritual, governmental, economic and cultural sites in the target country and spend time in prayer for the condition of the nation and spread of the gospel. It is a great way to see, sense and engage the culture and environment, while providing an essential Kingdom activity. Participants may join a pre-planned EME team, or we are happy to create personalized trips for your church or group.

"Vacation with a Purpose" is much the same, but may be comprised of anything from a simple tour package, to a devotional pilgrimmage, to active work teams combined with touristic opportunities. Again, participants may join planned EME teams, or have a personalized package created for your ministry or group. Our "Footsteps of Paul" trip in Greece and the "Seven Churches" tour of Turkey are favorites.

Refugee Ministries in Greece and Turkey

This ministry effort includes support for national workers (translators, laborers) from among the refugee community as well the efforts they help serve:

  • Food, clothing distribution and other practical needs.
  • Housing for limited numbers in intimate, discipleship settings.
  • K-12 education and Biblical studies programs (as mentioned in previous section).
  • The establishing of language sensitive church ministries.
  • Acquiring literature and other resources for outreach programs.